Hoge Tokenomics

TLDR: Hoge has an unchangeable smart contract, which reflects 2% of each transaction back to Hoge holders proportional to the amount of Hoge that they hold. This includes the Burn wallet which holds over 60% of the tokens and removes 1.2% of each transaction from the circulating supply forever.

Renounced Contract

Hoge introduced Tokenomics to the world of DeFi! It has a simple to understand, UNCHANGEABLE smart contract that gives Hoge holders more Hoge everyday while also decreasing the circulating supply forever.

Hoge Rewards

Every transaction involving Hoge tokens – whether it’s buying, selling, or transferring – incurs a 2% transaction tax. This 2% tax is redistributed, or “reflected,” back to all Hoge token holders in a proportional manner to how much Hoge tokens they hold. Also known as frictionless yield. In simpler terms, if you hold Hoge tokens in your wallet, you’ll automatically accumulate more tokens over time, just by holding. You do not need to do anything further with your tokens.

The amount of reflections you receive is based on the volume Hoge does and the proportion of Hoge tokens you hold in comparison to the total supply. It doesn’t matter if there is 10,000 holders or 10 million holders you always receive your proportion of the reflections. The higher the volume the more burn and reflections that occur daily for everyone.

Hoge Burn

IMPORTANT, since the inaccessible BURN wallet is also considered a holder, it receives its share of the 2% redistribution tax. The burn wallet currently holds over 60% of the tokens and burns over 1.2% of Hoge in each transaction. With 0.8% going to active holders. This reduces the circulating supply of Hoge on every transaction over time. There is less than 40% of the Hoge token supply left and that decreases daily forever.

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